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>> #5 in a series of 6
My cousins used to play this odd little game; they were about five and three years old at the time. The older one would pick up the remote control to the TV, point it at her sister, and say “Turn you off”–she’d obligingly fall to the ground and play dead. Then the remote changed hands, they’d change places, and the game would begin all over again. It was carried out with the solemn gravity of an execution by firing squad.
This short is a grown-up version of the same game, played with a grown-up weapon…
format: DV video
software: Commotion, AfterEffects, Painter, Final Cut, Audition
Pittsburgh, 2002.Broadcast on CBC TV 2002.
wow, really good stuff. very surreal and creative. looking forward to your next piece.
I happened upon this months ago, and it has really stuck with me…had to go searching for it again, but it’s as I remembered it — the music, the background, that poke…really a tremendous piece of work, I mean that. Very detailed and ambiguous but still meaningful, I think, and obviously it has staying power. Great work.
This is one of the most intresting videos I have ever
seen. I would just like to know that guy wanted to kill her.