Archive for the ‘Major Festival’ Category

Rule or Ruin (series)

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

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\/  individual films  \/

A cycle of six short films, created between the beginning of the Afghan War and the beginning of the Iraq War.

format: DV video
software: Commotion, After Effects, Final Cut, Photoshop, Audition
Los Angeles, 2004.


Sunday, December 4th, 2011

(download mp4)

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Based on the extraordinary career of RenĂ© Carmille, history’s first known computer hacker. The government of Nazi-occupied France launched a ghastly and unprecedented experiment in information science: much of the Vichy bureaucracy, including the operation of the death camps, was automated with punch-card computers. However, the Nazis didn’t understand the technology’s potential vulnerabilities…

format: HD video
software: Flash, After Effects, Final Cut, Photoshop, Audition
Toronto, 2010.

The Orange

Friday, March 6th, 2009

(download mp4)

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Suddenly, a humble citrus fruit is granted absolute power over the universe. From a story by Benjamin Rosenbaum.

format: HD video
software: Flash, AfterEffects, Final Cut, Audition
Toronto, 2009.

Screened at SXSW 2010. (jury prize, Best Animated Short)

The Foxhole Manifesto

Wednesday, February 28th, 2007

(download mp4)

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This is an adaptation of a poem by Jeffrey McDaniel, who has some ideas for a few appropriately modern gods.

format: HD video
software: Flash, AfterEffects, Final Cut, Audition
The Hague, 2007.

Screened at Rotterdam Film Festival 2009.

The Little Bird of Disaster (Rule or Ruin #6)

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

The Little Bird of Disaster
(click to play)

Available on: |
>>  #6 in a series of 6

This is a story about a little bird who claims to be able to predict the future. Don’t trust him.

The Little Bird of Disaster was developed at The Kitchen’s 2003 summer workshop. The speaking characters are real-time “video puppets,” controlled with Mark Coniglio’s Isadora software. The piece was actually performed, like they say, in front of a live studio audience (you can hear them in the background).

format: DV video
software: Commotion, AfterEffects, Painter, Isadora, Final Cut, Audition
Los Angeles, 2004.

Screened at Rotterdam Film Festival 2005.

A Good Joke

Monday, January 16th, 2006

(download mp4)

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This short is based on an old joke, a perennial in compilations of Jewish humor. Although the details differ between versions, the scene remains the same: a priest challenges a rabbi to a debate on the spiritual condition of Jewish people. But neither speaks the other’s language, and…well, I won’t spoil the punch line.

format: HD video
software: Flash, AfterEffects, Final Cut, Audition
San Francisco, 2005.

Screened at Ottawa Animation Festival 2006.

The Option of War

Friday, January 6th, 2006

(download mp4)

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In this adaptation of an early Kafka story, a soldier is taken prisoner in the night by a pack of jackals. Offering a pair of scissors, they demand that he use the makeshift weapon to kill his sleeping friends. They overwhelm his initial, shocked refusal. Slowly, incredibly, he begins to see their point of view. He takes the scissors, and…

format: HD video
software: Flash, AfterEffects, Painter, Final Cut, Audition
Montreal, 2005.

Screened at Ottawa Animation Festival 2005.