Archive for the ‘Theatrical’ Category

The Mouth and the Vitamin

Monday, October 10th, 2011

(download mp4)

Available on: |

This is one of a series of realtime animations we created for Jen Tsuei’s play Fantasias for the Immoderate. Two actors in microphones used the volume of their voices to control the video “puppets” in a program called Isadora.

format: DV video
software: Isadora
Los Angeles, 2004.


Saturday, September 2nd, 2006

(click to play)

This lovely sand animation was created from Hebrew calligraphy by Gil Omry, as part of Lauren Hartman’s play Out of Me and Into You.

format: DV video
software: Director, AfterEffects, Final Cut
Los Angeles, 2003.

STEIM Experiments

Sunday, January 1st, 2006
    Isadora Color Organ

    (click to play)

    Isadora Live Camera Control

    (click to play)

    Jitter Color Organ (music by Celeste Hutchins)

    (click to play)

    PD Kaleidoscope

    (click to play)

These are realtime recordings, with me triggering events by tapping keys in time to the beat. They’re tests for some upcoming projects using OSC (Open Sound Control), a nifty protocol for getting many different kinds of realtime sound and video programs to talk to each other.

format: DV video
software: Isadora, Max/MSP/Jitter, PD
Amsterdam/The Hague, 2007.

The Judge

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

The Judge
(click to play)

This video was my first try at rotoscoping, created as a projection for a dance performance. The character here is a corrupt judge receiving his karmic punishment–which I imagine here as getting flushed down into some kind of supernatural plumbing.

format: DV video
software: Commotion, AfterEffects, Final Cut
Pittsburgh, 2001.