//  Traffic Flow III  /  stills.zip  /  documentation
info:  4K video, 3:15, 2019
roles:  Co-director, developer, sound designer
with:  Meagan Williams (co-director)
tools:  Zeitdice, RunwayML, Processing, Unity, After Effects
where:  Toronto
Traffic Flow III is an abstract visual music piece exploring what would happen if different forces were to act on our target object—a timelapse camera mounted on a canal boat and remaining in continuous motion through the canal system around Strasbourg over a week. In the piece, sometimes outputs are allowed to continuously feed back into inputs, sometimes the loop is deliberately interrupted in order to scramble the output, sometimes the camera is repositioned in the 3D game world...and sometimes all three happen at once; we didn’t know what the end result would be when we began the experiment. The tools we used were a Zeitdice camera, Processing, Unity, and After Effects.