//  Activity
2025  |  York University


2024  |  York University

29 Feb:  Frequencies, TO (projections)

11–14 Apr:  Open Source Arts Contributors Conference, Denver, CO

10 May:  Magic Leapt (002), Factitious, Ukai, TO (projections)

8 Jun:  Planet Tkaronto, InterAccess, TO (projections)

1–30 Jun:  After Heilig, artist residency, Pix Film Collective, TO

12–19 Jul:  Magic Leapt (003), Vector Festival, TO

28 Jul–1 Aug:  Siggraph, Denver, CO (presenter)

1 Oct:  Workshop, Pix Film Collective, TO

24–25 Oct:  Workshop, Ukai, TO

*  Siggraph 2024: “Lightning Artist Toolkit: A Hand-Drawn Volumetric Animation Pipeline”

*  Leonardo Abstracts Service: “Lightning Artist Toolkit”

*  Dataset: TiltSet

*  Dataset: ABC-Draco

2023  |  York University

+  26 Apr:  SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship

17–29 Jul:  Artist residency, Feed Media Art Center, Erie, PA

11–12 Dec:  Magic Leapt (001), Digital Media Winter Exhibition, York University

2022  |  York University
2021  |  York University

4–11 Aug:  Introduction to AE/Blender workshops, Charles Street Video

15–24 Nov:  Artist residency (virtual), Pix Film Collective, TO

2020  |  York University

26 May:  Building an Immersive Environment workshop, TMU Collaboratory

3 Oct:  Lightning in a Bottle AltspaceVR talk, PXR 2020

+  Artist residency (virtual), Studio for Creative Inquiry

+  York University Crocker-Hunkin Award in Fine Arts

+  York University VISTA Doctoral Scholarship


17–21 Jan:  Reality Virtually Hackathon, MIT Media Lab

+  27 Feb:  Verizon 5G EdTech Challenge grant for Mapper’s Delight

30 Apr:  Looking and Leaping: Hacking Spatial Computing talk, FITC, TO

2–3 May:  MS Mixed Reality Dev Days, Redmond (attendee)

21 Jun–8 Sep:  The Orange, This is Moving, AGH, Hamilton, ON

2–20 Dec:  Traffic Flow III, Moment Variations, Charles Street Video, TO

7–21 Mar:  Unity workshop, TAIS, TO

9 May:  NAPLPS: An Adventure in New Media Art History talk, InterAccess, TO

25 Jul:  Volumetric 3D & 360 Video Research Discussion, TMU Collaboratory

10–17 Nov:  Unity workshop, InterAccess, TO

2017  |  NEW INC  >>  University of Waterloo

20 Jan:  Lightning Artist Toolkit talk, NEW INC Demo Day, NYC

26 Feb:  Lightning Artist Toolkit workshop, Versions Conference, NYC

7 Mar:  Lightning Artist Toolkit talk, Toronto VR

29 Mar:  Lightning Artist Toolkit talk, CreateInTO

20 Apr:  Lightning Artist Toolkit talk, Toronto AI

24 Apr:  Lightning Artist Toolkit talk, FITC, TO

1 May:  Public Lecture, OCAD, TO

9 Jul:  Vicious Circles, Curious Cabinets, Electric Perfume, TO

29 Jul:  Jenny in the Self-Checkout Line, TAIS Animation Showcase, TO

30 Jul–3 Aug:  Siggraph 2017, Los Angeles (attendee)

+  18 Aug:  Engadget Alternate Realities grant for Mapper’s Delight

18–25 Oct:  openFrameworks workshop, Electric Perfume, TO

14 Nov:  Mapper’s Delight, Engadget Alternate Realities, LA (lead dev)

16 Nov:  Lightning Artist Toolkit talk, Microsoft Vancouver

2016  |  Google Creative Lab  >>  NEW INC

5–9 Apr:  Some More World Games, Storefront, NYC

6 Jun:  Anypixel.js, Google Creative Lab, NYC (dev, animation)

6–9 Jun:  Eyeo 2016, Minneapolis (attendee)

7–9 Oct:  Jenny in the Self-Checkout Line, FoST Fest, NYC (premiere)

16 Nov:  Quick, Draw!, Google Creative Lab, NYC (dev, design)

11 Jan:  performance, Dark Circuits, Hans Tammen, CultureHub, NYC

19 Sep:  Indie VR panel, Ottawa Animation Festival

8 Nov:  performance, Dark Circuits II, Hans Tammen, CultureHub, NYC

?:  Merrell: Trailscape, installation, NYC (dev, sound, mocap, R&D)

?:  Carfax: Carfox, realtime character puppets, NYC (lead dev, mocap)

?:  Universal Hip Hop Museum: Kurtis Blow, Cardboard app, NYC (dev)

?:  Marvel: Battle for Avengers Tower, Gear VR app, NYC (dev, sound, R&D)

Game of Thrones: Ascend the Wall, installation, NYC (lead sound, dev)

14 Sep:  performance, Improvised Electronics Round Robin, CultureHub, NYC

7 Nov:  performance, Performing Systems, Outpost Artist Resources, NYC

14 Nov:  performance, Audio-Visual Speed Dating, CultureHub, NYC

?:  Beats: The Beats Pills, realtime character puppets, NYC (dev)

?:  Marriott: Teleporter, installation, NYC (dev, sound, video, R&D)

?:  Marvel: Tony Stark’s Lab, Gear VR app, NYC (dev, sound)

?:  FKA Twigs: #throughglass, music video, NYC (dev)

?:  Volvo: Volvo Reality, Cardboard app, NYC (dev)

*  Jason O. Gilbert. “...Artists Gather for an MS Paint Nude Drawing Course” Yahoo! Tech.

2013  |  Eyebeam  >>  Framestore VR Studio

17–26 Jan:  various, Eyebeam 2013 Annual Showcase, NYC

19 Jan–2 Feb:  Before the Flood, New Cinema Hackathon, Eyebeam, NYC

23 Mar:  AEwriterjs demo, Tribeca Hacks: Archives, GAFFTA, SF

10–11 Apr:  More Than Winning, Cleveland International Film Festival

17–19 May:  More Than Winning, NW Animation Fest, Portland, OR

24 Jun–2 Jul:  CoLab workshop series, CultureHub, NYC

29 Oct:  KinectToPin demo, TO SIGGRAPH Industry Night, Toronto

?:  Artist residency, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, SF

*  Kevin Holmes. “Creating Movies that React at the New Cinema Hackathon.” Vice.

+  Ontario Arts Council grant

2012  |  Eyebeam

10 Jan:  More Than Winning, Kodak Theatre, NYC

24 Apr:  KinectToPin demo, FITC, TO

+  29 Apr:  Jury prize for More Than Winning, ASIFA East Awards (premiere)

10 May:  Emerging Media Lecture, Hunter College, NYC

11 May:  More Than Winning, Rooftop Films, NYC

+  22–25 Jun:  Audience prize for More Than Winning, Palm Springs ShortFest

29–30 Jun:  various, Eyebeam Summer 2012 Open Studios, NYC

7 Jul:  panelist, TAAFI, TO

29 Jul:  More Than Winning, Animation Block Party, NYC

10 Aug:  More Than Winning, Animation Evolution, Sternberg Park, NYC

21 Sep:  lecture, Johnson State College, VT

29 Sep:  performance, Ruckus 2012, Cooper Union, NYC

25 Oct:  KinectToPin demo, After Effects New York, NYC

9–10 Nov:  performance, BEMF, Public Assembly, NYC

24 Nov:  performance, Media Circus, La Mama, NYC

11 Dec:  performance/Deb Oh and the Cavaliers, Mercury Lounge, NYC

+  Ontario Arts Council grant

+  Toronto Arts Council grant

+  Eyebeam Fellowship

+  Canada Council for the Arts research grant

*  Ed. Organised Sound, vol. 17(2)


26 Jan–6 Feb:  The Orange, Rotterdam Film Festival

1 Apr:  The Orange, IFFR touring program, Moscow

1 May:  Interregnum, Jerusalem Cinematheque, Jerusalem

5–26 Jun:  Mise en Abyme, Justin Berry, The Pigeon Wing, London (dev)

+  24 Jun:  Jury prize for Interregnum, Palm Springs ShortFest

29 Jun:  performance/Clara Engel, Box Salon, Rivoli, TO

+  17–18 Sep:  Jury prize for Nightmare Kitty, Maker Faire NYC (dev)

17–23 Oct:  Artist residency, STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, CMU

23 Oct:  KinectToPin workshop, Art && Code, CMU

*  Contemporary Music Review: “A Modern Instantiation of Schillinger's Dance Notation”


+  14–18 Mar:  Jury prize for The Orange, SXSW, Austin, TX (premiere)

14 May:  The Orange, Rooftop Films, NYC

20 May:  various, Melwood Screening Room, Pittsburgh

1–6 Jun:  The Orange, Worldwide Short Film Festival, Toronto

1–6 Jun:  Traffic Flow II, Animafest Zagreb, Croatia (premiere)

? Jul:  performance/Clara Engel, The Boat, TO

31 Jul:  The Orange, Animation Block Party, NYC

16 Jul–1 Aug:  Traffic Flow II, Anima Mundi, Rio de Janeiro/São Paolo

3–8 Aug:  The Orange, San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

12–14 Sep:  Interregnum, TIFF, Toronto (premiere)

? Nov:  Highrise, Katerina Cizek, Toronto (animation)

+  Bravo!FACT production grant for Prior Art

*  Leonardo: “In Strange Paradox: Rationalizing Improvisation”


26–28 Jan:  The Foxhole Manifesto, Rotterdam Film Festival

25 Feb:  various, Box Salon, Rivoli, TO

1–10 Aug:  various, San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

14 Oct:  Governor General's Awards, National Arts Centre, Ottawa (animation)

11 Nov:  Traffic Flow II, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

6 Dec:  Traffic Flow II, Cinématèque Québécoise, Montreal

+  Ontario Arts Council grant

+  Toronto Arts Council grant

+  TAIS commission for Traffic Flow II


1–3 Mar:  I Wanna Be Famous, NYICFF, NYC (premiere)

4–8 Jun:  The Color of Waiting, NIME 2008, Genoa, Italy (projections)

10–15 Jun:  The Foxhole Manifesto, Worldwide Short Film Festival, Toronto

8 Nov:  The Foxhole Manifesto, GIRAF 4, Calgary

+  Bravo!FACT production grant for Interregnum

2007  |  Fulbright

28 Jan:  A Good Joke, Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, GA

14 Feb:  A Good Joke, Cinématèque Québécoise, Montreal

13–15 Apr:  various, Philadelphia Film Festival

19 June:  The Foxhole Manifesto, Melbourne Animation Festival (premiere)

27 Aug:  various, Son/Lumiere, Gladstone Hotel, TO

19–23 Sep:  The Foxhole Manifesto, Ottawa Animation Festival

?:  Artist residency, STEIM, Amsterdam

*  Kate Stables. “Cyber cinema: June‘s not-so-summery sizzlers.” The Guardian.

*  Douglas Easterly. Best Practice: The Pros on Flash.

2006  |  Fulbright

30 Jan:  The Option of War, 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco

3 Feb:  The Option of War, Axiom Theater, Houston, TX

11 Feb:  The Option of War, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax

28 Feb:  various, POV Film Festival, Oakland, CA

2 Mar:  A Good Joke, NY Jewish Student Film Festival, NYC (premiere)

7–10 Apr:  The Option of War, Philadelphia Film Festival

8 Apr:  A Good Joke, Alice's 3–Minute Film Festival, SF

21 Apr:  The Little Bird of Disaster, Images Festival, Toronto

5 May:  A Good Joke, Internationale Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen

20–25 May:  The Option of War, Melbourne Animation Festival

14–20 Jul:  I Wanna Be Famous, Juste Pour Rire, Montreal

20 Jul–5 Aug:  A Good Joke, San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

24–26 Aug:  A Good Joke, Impakt Festival, Utrecht

20–24 Sep:  A Good Joke, Ottawa Animation Festival (Competition)

20 Oct:  The Foxhole Manifesto, Speak/See, Los Angeles

17–26 Nov:  A Good Joke, Exground Filmfest, Wiesbaden, Germany

+  Fulbright Fellowship, Netherlands


26 Jan–6 Feb:  The Little Bird of Disaster, Rotterdam Film Festival (premiere)

3–7 Feb:  performance, Wisconsin Union Theater, Madison, WI

12 Feb:  performance, Electric Tractor, Montreal

25 Mar:  The Story of Enoch, CBC TV, Canada

19 May:  performance, La Sala Rossa, Montreal

25 May:  performance, The Frying Pan, NYC

11–15 Jul:  Max/MSP Day School, CNMAT (attendee)

8–17 Sep:  Wunderkabinet, The Lab, SF (projections)

21–25 Sep:  The Option of War, Ottawa Animation Festival (premiere)

3–6 Nov:  performance, Orlando Puppet Festival, FL

+  West Virginia Commission on the Arts Fellowship

+  Mosaica Foundation Grant

2004  |  CalArts  >>  NFB

1–31 Jan:  The Story of Enoch, NL Ministry of Education, The Hague

16 Jan–28 Feb:  various, ATHICA, Athens, GA

31 Jan:  After Supremacy, CEAIT Festival, Redcat Theater, Los Angeles

12 Feb:  performance, Electric Tractor, Montreal

15 Feb:  Instant Memorial, rhizome.org

3 Apr:  Les Soeurs de Mélasse, IDEAS Festival, Bloomington, IN

4 Apr:  After Supremacy, Mills College, Oakland, CA

7 May:  The Story of Enoch, Goldenson Theater, Los Angeles

21–22 May:  Les Soeurs de Mélasse, The Mockbee, Cincinatti, OH

18 Jun:  Disarmed, Student Cultural Center, Belgrade

26 Jun:  Disarmed, Museum of Architecture, Wroclaw, Poland

+  Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Internship Grant

+  CalArts Film/Video Project Grant

+  CalArts Ahmanson Foundation Project Grant

2003  |  CalArts

31 Jan–8 Feb:  Disarmed, Immedia 8, Ann Arbor, MI

22 Feb:  various, Rhizome.org: Love Art & War, Altman Bldg., NYC

25 Mar:  Manipulations, Jerusalem Cinemateque, Jerusalem

Apr:  Out of Me and Into You, CalArts, Valencia, CA (projections)

16 Apr:  Peace Through Strength, Images Festival, Toronto (premiere)

25 Apr:  Disarmed, VideoMedeja, Novi Sad, Serbia (premiere)

4–23 May:  various, Tel Aviv Cinemateque, Tel Aviv

9 May:  Bird’s Eye Bull’s Eye, Goldenson Theater, Los Angeles

9 May:  Disarmed, Dance Camera West, Los Angeles

13 May:  Mother of All Bombs, Film Kitchen, Pittsburgh

14 Jun–21 Sep:  Disarmed, South Bend Regional Museum, South Bend, IN

3–31 Jul:  Peace Through Strength, Salto TV, Netherlands

1 Sep:  various, Comic Festival Graz, Austria

1 Sep:  various, Camera Obscura, Sydney

12 Sep:  Mother of All Bombs, Chicago Motion Graphics Festival

18 Sep:  various, Club SAW: Interior Exteriors, Ottawa

26 Sep:  Elegy, SAW Video, Ottawa

2 Oct:  The Story of Enoch, Salto TV, Netherlands

31 Oct:  Poe at Halloween, Unity Theatre, Liverpool (projections)

Nov:  Spit Shine Glisten, CalArts, Valencia, CA (projections)

6 Nov:  Disarmed, CBC TV, Canada

Dec:  Nina Simone, Redcat Theater, Los Angeles (projections)

12 Dec:  After Supremacy, Involution 2, 23 Windows, NYC

?:  Sidney Kahn Summer Institute, The Kitchen, NYC (attendee)

?:  Artist residency, The Carriage House, NYC

+  Eastman Kodak Film Grant

+  CalArts Irvine Foundation Scholarship

+  CalArts Interdisciplinary Project Grant

+  Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship

2002  |  CalArts

25–28 Apr:  Corridors, Pittsburgh Playhouse (projections)

17 May–9 Jun:  Riddley Walker, Pittsburgh Playhouse (projections, sound)

9 Jul:  various, Film Kitchen, Melwood Screening Room, Pittsburgh

4–28 Sep:  Peace Through Strength, ARC Gallery, Chicago

8–16 Sep:  Peace Through Strength, Brown University, Providence, RI

30 Sep–6 Oct:  Peace Through Strength, Centre Culturel Canadien, Paris

3 Oct:  Peace Through Strength, Small + Ugly, UMBC, Baltimore

4 Oct:  Peace Through Strength, Centre Pompidou, Paris

20–26 Nov:  various, Video Zone Biennale, Tel Aviv

Dec:  Stepping Stones, CalArts, Valencia, CA (projections)

?:  Boxed In, Festival d’Avignon (projections)

?:  Artist residency, STEIM, Amsterdam

+  Watson Institute for International Studies Student Film Award

+  CalArts Ahmanson Foundation Scholarship

+  Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Special Opportunity Stipend


1 Jun–11 Jul:  Parasite, Three Rivers Film Festival, Pittsburgh (sound)

13 Jun:  BurtVirus, Spinning Plate Gallery, Pittsburgh

14–17 Jun:  Overseas English Conversation, Pittsburgh Playhouse (projections)

15–24 Jun:  Six Characters..., Quantum Theatre, Pittsburgh (video, sound)

Jul ?:  Artist residency, Actors Theatre, Louisville, KY (projections)

23 Aug–23 Sep:  Aleph/Bet, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

13 Nov:  various, Film Kitchen, Melwood Screening Room, Pittsburgh

23 Nov–23 Dec:  Burn, City Theatre, Pittsburgh (projections)

27 Dec:  This Ain't the Nutcracker, Byham Theatre, Pittsburgh (projections)

13–16 Dec:  Sin, Kelly Strayhorn Theater, Pittsburgh (projections)

? Jun:  Movatar, Stelarc, Pittsburgh (dev)

+  Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellowship


8 Jan:  various, Digital Cinema Expo, Cleveland, OH

29 Feb–26 Mar:  Squonk, Helen Hayes Theatre, NYC (projections)

22–24 Mar:  Inside America, CMU, Pittsburgh (sound)

Apr:  Neck and Neck, Byham Theatre, Pittsburgh (projections)

16 May:  various, California State University, Chico, CA

19–21 May:  various, OVRMAC, Cuyahoga Valley, OH

22 Aug–29 Sep:  The Load, CMU Purnell Center, Pittsburgh (sound)

6 Nov:  One New Message, Columbia College, Chicago

15 Dec:  various, Horizons Gallery, Pittsburgh

31 Dec:  Regrets Only, Roberto Clemente Bridge, Pittsburgh (projections)

+  Pittsburgh Filmmakers First Works Grant

1999  |  CMU  >>  Pittsburgh Filmmakers

6–10 Apr:  Manipulations, CMU Ellis Gallery, Pittsburgh

1–30 Apr:  various, The Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh

14 Aug:  various, T-Room Gallery, Pittsburgh

14 Sep:  various, Film Kitchen, Melwood Screening Room, Pittsburgh

15 Sep:  Fast Voyeur, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

15 Sep:  Terminal Time, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (animation)

+  CMU Samuel Rosenberg Award

+  CMU SURG Grant

1998  |  CMU

12 May:  Verbindingsstreepje, Paradiso Concert Hall, Amsterdam

20 May:  High Places, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam

13 Nov:  An Iconoclast, CMU Frame Gallery, Pittsburgh

1997  |  CMU

+  CMU SURG Grant

1995  |  CMU

+  CMU S. T. Sable Kresser Scholarship


+  Eastern Division First Place, MTAA National Composition Contest